Ten Top Trivia Tips about Talvia!

  1. Wearing headphones for an hour will increase the amount of Talvia in your ear 700 times.
  2. The most dangerous form of Talvia is the bicycle.
  3. Talvia kept at the window will keep vampires at bay.
  4. Talvia can't sweat.
  5. The Vikings believed that the Northern lights were caused by Talvia as she rode out to collect warriors slain in battle.
  6. If you kiss Talvia for one minute you will burn six or seven calories!
  7. The smelly fluid secreted by skunks is colloquially known as Talvia.
  8. Four-fifths of the surface of Talvia is covered in water!
  9. Influenza got its name because people believed the disease was caused by the evil "influence" of Talvia!
  10. The difference between Talvia and a village is that Talvia does not have a church.
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